"New Session": Create a new router session.
"Recently used Session": The newly created router session is managed as a list in the combo.
"Open Session": Opens a router session that was created and used.
"Change Session": Modify information about the created router session.The most important thing is how to create a router session.
When you press "New Session", the above screen appears.
Route Name: Specifies the name for the route session.In the combo, you can name the items managed by the list.(For example, MobileServer01: 14000)
Host Name: Enter the IP address. (Currently only IP4 addressing scheme and domain address are supported.)
Target Port: Enter the port number of the real server.
Route Port: Enter the port number to open on your
PC.Packet Size: Specify the size of the packet to be routed. (If you specify 0, there is no restriction.)Log File: Saves the hexadecimal log file continuously.
Target To Rotate Delay Time: Delays the packet coming from the server by a specified time delay.
Route To Target Delay Time: Delays the outgoing packet by the specified time.Is not it difficult? ^^After entering the basic information and creating a router session, the following individual session window will be created.
The above screen is a screen when a client is connected to a server and a basic packet is exchanged.There are four major screen configurations.
Packet List Window: Lists the packets sent and received.
Connected Clients Window: This is a list of currently connected client information.
Packet Data Window: Displays basic information and packet details (hexa).The packet list window provides the right pop-up menu as shown below.
"Copy Packet To ClipBoard" Copies the packet of the item to the clipboard.
"Show Packet in MiniView" Displays the packet of the item in mini view.
"Save Packet in Text File" Saves the packet of the item as a text file.
"Save Packet in Dat File (Binary)" Saves the packet of the corresponding item as a binary file.The Packet Data window provides the following popups on the right.
Copy all data to the clipboard in the
"Full Copy ClipBoard" window.
"Block Copy ClipBoard" Copies only the selected data to the clipboard.Finally, the status bar in the packet data window shows the total amount of packetsDisplays the number of connected clients.
The "Flow" button is used to continuously flow or stop the data window.(Auto scroll continuous / stop)
"Full Log" shows all data including the hex data, or only the listToggle button.You can get the installation file from below.
Ver Changes
- WebPage Link Error Fix
- Install Change License English Changes
- Packet List ClipBoard Copy Bug Fix Changes.
- After installing 64bit OS or above, there is an error related to DEP (Data Execution Prevention)
Changed the installation location from ProgramFiles to User Directory. Changes.
- web domain Connect Support
- IPV6 Network Connect Support Changes.
- Fixed the problem that connection is not disconnected when session window is closed.
- Bug fix when session window is closed and regenerated Changes
- Fixed a bug that dropped packets immediately after connecting.
- Fixed UI bug when session is on / off Changes
- Correct abnormal termination upon reconnection after client session termination. Changes
- Abnormal termination correction at the end of the connected client session. Changes
- Add donation button. Changes.
- Add App Auto Update (Check App Last Version)
- Improved left list view performance.
- Changed save session list combo size. Changes.
- Added system log activity check.
- Internal logic improvements.
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