2018년 6월 1일 금요일

JavaScript course 01

<Introduction to JavaScript>
Hello Berdo.
Starting with this lesson, I will introduce 10 languages ​​to the JavaScript language I have learned and learned while creating WebFramework.

Generally speaking, the reason why you think JavaScript language is the same as java language is that the grammar structure is similar.
The official name of the current JavaScript is ECMAScript.
The current version is the latest version 6, but if you want to write code compatible with all browsers, it is recommended that you hand it to 5 version
What stands out among the 6 versions is that there is a keyword 'class'.

I have used the compilation language mainly as a development language, and I can list the characteristics of the JavaScript language as follows.

1. C ++ and Java language can be mastered in a short time if they are proficient in basic language.
2. There is no restriction on Typecast, so if you are familiar with the compiling language, there are a lot of code that is not structurally understandable. (This section will be explained later in the course.)
3. If you know JavaScript properly, you should understand html page.
4. Functional programming is basic but enough OOP functions can be implemented.
5. Currently, it is widely used in server (node.js) and client (web, webapp [mobile]).

Learning something is a joyous thing, and using it to create something new is even more enjoyable. ^^

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