2018년 6월 4일 월요일

JavaScript course 02

<JavaScript development preparation & Hello World>

Hello Berdo.
In order to develop JavaScript, you have to build a development environment.
We currently use the WebStorm tool, but since it is commercial, we recommend SublimeText3 or Visual Studio Code among the free tools.
We look for additional convenience and environment for development.
Setting up a basic development environment will be explained using Visual Studio Code.

Download the latest version according to the O / S that you use in the link path below.

If you execute after installation, you can see the following execution screen.

It is not necessary to create an html file or js file immediately after installation, but install vscode add-on and use it.
(Use related html, javascript, jquery etc. after installing add-on)

The basic thing is what you have installed, and what you need is a browser installation for testing.
If you are currently using Windows, you will have internet explorer installed. If you are running Windows 10 or later, there will be two Edge.
Of course, it is not too bad to check the development results by using two of them, but if you want to develop web, you need to check the results in various web browsers.

FireFox Browser
Chrome Browser

Although there are advantages and disadvantages of both browsers, it is the most faithful support for html5 function that is commonly supported in the latest.
I personally prefer FireFox, but during development, I usually check the good and the result of Chrome Browser debugging function there.

Screen to run in Chrome Browser and debug in developer mode)

Run the Chrome Browser and press Ctrl + Shift + I to see the Developer Mode window as shown above.

Now the basics are ready.
Let's create a simple html file and javascript to create a web sample screen.
Let's create a "Hello World" that does not lag behind in terms of legitimacy. ^^

In VSCode, create a blank editor window by pressing Ctrl + N or File -> New from the menu.
Here's the code for a basic html page template.

<! DOCTYPE html>

<html lang = "kr">


     <meta charset = "UTF-8">

     <title> </ title>

</ head>


</ body>

</ html>

If you are wondering about the above html code, it is not difficult to find the basic html.

Type 'Hello World' inside <title> Hello World </ title>.
The above content is what you see in the browser caption area.

  <label> Hello World </ label>
</ body>

<body> </ body> Create a label area between the tags and type 'Hello World' as the content.

Then save the file as html and make sure that the basic html file is working in your browser.
Press Ctrl + Shift + S or click File -> Save As to save the file as 'helloworld.html'.

After saving, you can see that VSCode's tab icon and code contents are highlighted


Just go to the file folder and run it with your Chrome browser.

You can see that it works as above.

Now let's change the text in the label to 'Hello World With JavaScript' using basic JavaScript code.

To put javascript code in html
At the end of </ body>
<script type = "text / javascript">
</ script>

Since the html page is loading and I want to change the sentence, change the <body> part as shown below.
<body onload = "InitPage ()">
If you change the above, the html page is loaded in your browser, and it is a structure that calls InitPage () defined in javascript with a function called onload.

Then declare the function because a function called InitPage () must exist in the javascrpt tag.

<script type = "text / javascript">

function initPage ()

</ script>

In order to access the <label> in JavaScript before creating the code that changes the contents of the <label> tag inside the function declaration and the function that is called at the beginning, it is necessary to specify a special name for <label> .
<label id = "Hello"> Hello World </ label>

function initPage()
    var olabel = document.getElementById("Hello");
    olabel.innerHTML = "Hello World With JavaScript";

An object called document points to the current page. getElementById is a function to get the member to the current page based on the Id. So if you call it like above, you can get the item defined by label tag.
A property called innerHTML can directly manipulate the content between <label> </ label>. So when you write code like this, the <label> code on the page actually
<label id = "Hello"> Hello World Width JavaScript </ label>
And the same effect.

Then we will simply change the application to save the string "Hello World" and add it with "With JavaScript".

function initPage ()

        var olabel = document.getElementById ("Hello");
        var sOrg = olabel.innerHTML;
        sOrg + = "With JavaScript 2";

        olabel.innerHTML = sOrg;

As you can see in the code above, innerHTML can be used to get the existing values. The reason I put "2" after it is added to show the difference.

I've seen how to use basic html pages as JavaScript code by installing a basic tool, installing a browser, and creating simple html code and adding a script in it.

Next, let's look at the JavaScript basic types, basic grammar, and how to check basic types.

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