I do not know why, but as usual with Visual Studio 2013, when I try to open a project to start work, the project is not loaded with the following error message.
"vcxproj is not supported by this version of the application"
I had to reinstall Visual Studio, which is a very troublesome one.
If you have a similar experience, you can solve it by running as below.
1. Locate the folder where Visual Studio is installed with File Explorer.
(In general, if you did not change the installation path, it will be installed as below.
"C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0" by Visual Studio 2013)
2. Navigate to the sub-path "Common7 \ IDE" folder.
3. Delete the "ItemTemplatesCache" and "ProjectTemplatesCache" folders in the above path.
4. Run Visual Studio Command Prompt as an administrator.
5. In the console window, type "devenv / InstallVSTemplates" and wait for the command to process.
6. At the end of the above command, type "devenv / Setup" and wait for the command to be processed.
After doing the above, please run Visual Studio again and load the project and it will be loaded.
You can also check the contents of the above process by referring to Microsoft Social below. ^^
(https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/c2e7d00a-b67a-4fb6-929b-07686f765597/defaultvcxproj-cannot-be-opened-because-its-project-type-is-not-supported ? forum = vssetup)
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